5 Steps for Back to School Prep

Reading Time: 1 min

mom and daughter walking to school

It's that time of year again— time to start thinking about back-to-school!

The most important thing is to make sure your child is well-prepared both academically and emotionally. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

Boy preparing for a back to school party
  1. Start by setting some goals for your child. What do you want them to accomplish by the end of the school year? Maybe you want them to be able to read fluently, or to be able to multiply two-digit numbers in their head. Whatever it is, make sure you have a specific goal in mind.

  2. Next, get your child excited about school! One way to do this is by talking about all the new things they'll learn and all the new friends they'll make. Point out all the different subjects they'll be studying and talk about what kind of things they might learn in math or science class.

  3. Make sure your child has all the supplies they need before school starts. This includes basics like pencils, paper, and notebooks, but also might include things like a new binder or craft materials. Check with your child's teacher to see what specific supplies they will need.

  4. Get organized! This includes everything from making a weekly schedule for your child to organizing their backpack and homework space. Having a routine will help your child feel more comfortable and in control during the hectic school year.

  5. Finally, be patient! School can be tough sometimes, and it may take your child a while to adjust. Just keep providing encouragement and support, and eventually, they'll settle into their new routine.




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