Enjoy your Family Road Trip by Taking Simple Steps to Prevent Meltdowns

Reading Time: 1.75 min

make family roadtrips fun

You know the routine.

You’ve packed your car and buckled up your children in preparation for a long drive to a vacation destination. You pull out of the neighborhood, turn the corner, and stop at the gas station to fuel up your vehicle and grab a coffee. Then, just as you’re about to settle in for the trip, you hear a small voice from the back of the car: “Are we there yet?”

As every parent knows, traveling with children can be the ultimate test of patience. This article by Study Finds discusses the results of a survey completed by 2,000 parents of children under 10. When it comes to long road trips, parents struggle with not only their child’s restlessness but also their own.

Here’s some tips to start your family road trip off on a positive note.

  • Prepare in advance.
    Pack small caddies like this one with snacks, wipes, hand sanitizer, and a water bottle. Providing each child with their own caddy will prevent the need for Mom or Dad to have to hand out items frequently needed on a road trip.

  • Celebrate distance milestones with rewards.
    Take a trip to the dollar store before your trip to pick out a variety of small prizes to motivate children. Hand out these small incentives as you pass into new cities or states.

  • Preload games and apps (like Lou Adventures) on smartphones and tablets.
    Before getting into the car, download children’s programs and videos and store them on their devices. This way, a lack of wifi or cell service won’t derail your child’s focus.

  • Talk about time in their language.
    Younger children might not be able to fully grasp the concept of an hour or how long it takes to pass. Take the mystery out of time by equating it to what your will child understand. If their favorite program is 30 minutes long, explain that one hour equals two of their favorite shows. 

  • Be reasonable with your expectations.
    Most kids can’t sit longer than 2-3 hours without getting antsy. Set yourself up for less stress by having a flexible mindset about when and where you’ll be stopping on your trip for mealtimes and bathroom breaks.

A family road trip can be a wonderful experience when we buckle up with a positive mindset and some simple preparation!

fun road trips with kids

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