5 Steps to Creating a Kid-Friendly Reading Nook

Reading Time: 2 min

Girl reading in her self made reading nook.

As any parent knows, getting kids to read can be a bit of a challenge. However, there are ways to make reading more appealing to even the most reluctant reader. One of the best ways to do this is to create a dedicated reading space in your home that is both comfortable and inviting. This doesn't have to be a large space – even a small corner or alcove will do. It is important to make it a special place where kids can relax and enjoy their books. Here are some tips for creating a kid-friendly reading nook:

Embrace the Imperfect Nook

There's no need to create a perfect reading space – in fact, your kids may even love it more if it's a little bit quirky and imperfect. For example, a beanbag chair or floor cushion can be much more inviting than a stiff armchair, and mismatched cushions and pillows can add character to the space. Likewise, a small stool or side table can be used instead of a traditional bookshelf – just make sure there's enough space to store all of your child's favorite books.

Don't Under Estimate the Fort

As stated above, a reading nook doesn't need to look like it popped out of your Pinterest feed; in fact, a simple blanket fort has become my son's favorite spot to relax with a book. We've found that if your child creates the reading space themself or has a hand in doing so, they'll be much more excited to use it.

Personalize It

Ask your little loved one what they'd like to include in their reading nook. If they're unsure, provide suggestions such as a favorite stuffed animal or their "fuzzy blanket." Having a few things they love in the space will make it feel like their own.

Make it Comfy

You may have the perfect, imperfect blanket fort reading space packed with "stuffies," a favorite lamp, and a healthy supply of juice boxes, but it won't encourage reading if it's uncomfortable. Some of our favorite options are a stack of pillows, couch cushions, or a hammock.

 Go Outdoors

One of my son's favorite reading spaces is a homemade teepee which we put together in under an hour using branches behind our house. Another spot is an outdoor swing under a simple climbing structure. Spend time together looking for possibilities outside, and you might be surprised how many there are.


Share your reading nooks with us @LouAdventuresApp on Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok for a chance to be featured.




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