Need Help Finding Fun Ways to Engage Reluctant Readers in Your Life?

Reading Time: 2 min

Child playing with a miniature rocket while pretending to be an astronaut

The emphasis on reading and literacy has never been so important. The COVID Pandemic profoundly impacted literacy rates in children across the country. The university-based research organization PACE found that reading fluency in second and third-graders fell about 30% behind the usual benchmark in a study comparing data from fall 2020 with fall 2019. This trend has particularly impacted children who had not mastered reading as they entered 3rd or 4th grade. 

It’s now more important than ever that parents, teachers, and caregivers support children in their literacy journey.
A reluctant reader is often one who also struggles with reading and vice versa. Regardless of the scenario, it’s important to introduce interesting and motivating books to your child. As an award-winning author J.K Rowling once said, “If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book.” Keeping their interest in reading and encouraging their literacy journey are the keys to success. 

Keep their favorite books out and at eye level.
Every time a child picks up a book, their skills in reading comprehension, fluency, and vocabulary improve. Keeping momentum going is a great way to continue to build on those skills. One sure way to ensure that reading becomes a habit is to keep books out and at eye level. This way, the option to read is always there. 




Schedule time to read, and make it fun!
Choose a time after school, after dinner, or before bedtime but keep it consistent every day. Whenever it's a good time to sit down to read, choose books that are interesting and engaging to the child. Find a cozy and unique place to sit, and allow some time to make it their own. 

Try some of these fun ideas for reading time:

What to do if your reluctant reader can’t find anything they want to read?
Our advice is to keep exploring. Maybe the answer isn’t in a book but in a magazine, newspaper, or online reading app like Lou Adventures. Whatever the answer, it’s important to find it, to ensure that the child(ren) in your life doesn’t fall behind in reading and deprive themselves of the world of possibilities that can be discovered through literacy. 

Want more ideas on how to foster a love of reading? Check out our blog article “Creating Memories Through a Love for Reading


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