Tips for Building Good Reading Habits

Reading Time: 2 min

Kids playing with an ipad with mom

Even if you love to read, it is not guaranteed that your child will too—at least not at first. The secret to getting your children to love the act of reading and want to improve their reading skills is to make it a common occurrence in their lives. Here’s how you can get started building reading habits with your kids.

Practice daily.

The easiest way to build a habit, especially with kids, is to practice repeatedly. Reading, much like any other activity, requires dedicated practice and consistent effort. By practicing daily, you are strengthening a child’s reading comprehension skills. Daily reading practice will also create familiarity with the activity and make it an expected part of their routine.

Make it fun.

Find creative ways to make reading time fun for your children. Create a dedicated reading space that allows children to improve their reading comprehension skills in a fun environment. Decorate the space together and let children choose their own stories. Also, consider attending events at your local library to encourage your kids to see reading as a fun activity.

Make it a family affair.

If your child objects to sitting down to read, consider hosting a family reading time that includes everyone in the house—including pets. If everyone is involved, there shouldn’t be any other distractions that your child might be upset over. Find a comfy spot to sit and, if your kids are old enough, take turns reading the story out loud.

Set a good example.

Making time for your own personal reading—and letting your kids see you reading in action—sends the message to your children that reading is fun and can be an activity for anyone. Plus, your kids look up to you! If they see you reading, they will likely want to read too.




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